Friday, 1 June 2018

Writing with Mrs Norman

The kids were bored.  “What should we do?” I thought.  Then I remembered that I had promised to take the boys fishing.
“Would you like to go fishing?” I asked Qaiden and Koda.  “Yes!” they both replied. We packed up all the gear that we would need - a chilly bin with a knife, bait and a chopping board, a tackle box with all the bits and pieces for our lines, and of

We headed off to Opua because we heard that people were catching plenty of kahawai.  Once we got there, we found our spot and baited up the hooks! Nibble! Nibble nibble!!  There were plenty of nibbles, just no decent bites. After an hour, and one lost fishing line to the water, we headed over to the wharf.  More bites, but still no fish! We decided to try our luck somewhere else.

After packing up, we headed off to English Bay.  As soon as we threw our lines in the water…. “I’ve got one!” shouted Qaiden.  And then, “Me too!” called Koda. We all ended up catching fish, but they were tiddlers so we let them all go.

All we took home that day was the lingering smell of fish.

weave been trying to use puckishness